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Welcome to Imagine That! and Future TechTM!

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We are the premier STEM & Art educator in Atlanta! Our programs include Science, Technology, Robotics, 3D Printing, Minecrafting, Programming and Art. We are dedicated to providing exciting, hands-on educational opportunities for children from ages 3-14.

We desire to help your child develop a love for learning! Our teachers love what they are teaching and want your child to love it as much as they do! Come join us soon!

We offer a variety of exciting educational programs including:

  • Classes: STEM, Minecraft, Robotics, and Sewing After School and Saturday School Classes.
  • Camps: Best STEM and Art Summer Camps, Winter Break, and Spring Break Camps in Atlanta!
  • Parties and Events: Birthday Parties, In-house Field Trips, Homeschool Events and Scout Functions.
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